Saturday, September 4, 2010

Minding Men

Minding Men

Holy Father in heaven,
what am I or my fallen brethren
that One such as You would mind us?

For though You alone are the Creator of all things,
yet have we gone aside from your hallowed ways.
We have altogether become unprofitable.

Though you made us blessed,
see how we made ourselves filthy.
Though you made us wholly good,
see now that there are none righteous,
that we left made ourselves condemned in our sin.

But let all men be humbled before God,
for the time of deliverance is at hand
as the mercy of the Lord has befell us.
For the Anointed One has come to bear our grief,
to be wounded for our iniquity
that we may be healed by His stripes.

Make foolish men wise, oh mighty Lord.
Let the cares of this world be forgotten,
that none may neglect so great a salvation,
that the grace of the Risen Son may reign,
that the ways of carnal men may fall.

Psalm 8:4
Psalm 14:3
Romans 3:10-12
Luke 4:18
Isaiah 53:4-5
Hebrews 2:3

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