Saturday, September 18, 2010

Babylon Within

Babylon Within

Look not to the plains of Megiddo,
her time is yet ages away.
Look deep in your soul
where evils do troll,
where flesh battles Spirit each day.

And the sons of men lifted their eyes
searching beyond the things of the world.
And for all who looked, behold,
heaven was opened
and there came unto the hearts of men
a rider on a white horse,
whose name was called Faithful and True.
For in righteousness
doeth He make war against our sin.

And I saw that the beast from within,
and the great whore with the false prophet,
and all which gathered in my heart
for battle against the Lamb
were taken and cast into the lake of fire.
And all which was in my heart was made new
by the Lamb of God.

Holy Father….
The antichrist lives in my person,
seeking to make his control.
The beast is within,
he lives in my sin.
Let Babylon fall from my soul.

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