Saturday, September 4, 2010

Let the Last Stand First

Let the Last Stand First

Rejoice ye children of God
in the coming Day of the Lord.
For in that age shall every knee bow,
shall every mouth confess His hallowed name.

For the governments of men shall be crumbled
and the bones of the corrupt decayed
beneath the unyielding sovereignty of the Lord.

The coins of the wealthy shall be corroded with time,
and the lands of the mighty overgrown
with the abundance of the Lord.

The knowledge of men shall be folly
and the lusts of the flesh long succumbed
to the power of His mighty Spirit.

Holy El Shaddai,
give light to the unbeliever.
For it is to Your greater glory,
for the righteous defeat of the serpent
that no man neglect so great a salvation.

Let we, your children be humble in our thanks.
Let us give way that others stop forth,
that not for our glory, but Yours,
those last in your earthly flock,
may stand first in your Spiritual Kingdom.

Isaiah 45:23
Amos 9:13-14
Mark 9:35

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