Friday, October 22, 2010

Mists of Eden (First Age)

Mist of Eden
(First Age)

There stirs a frightened, primal beast,
whence ages first began,
whence Breath of God came first released
to stir the hearts of man.
Came Godly soul to earthy flesh
that something new be known,
whence both be blended into one
but neither overthrown.
Through Eden’s mists to soulless flesh,
came life to conquer death,
that flesh be freed it’s mortal chains
by God’s eternal breath.

There stands a man on Eden’s ground,
his innocence anew,
his flesh and soul as sprouted seed
from which his spirit grew.
A Godly voice
though still and small,
sounds loud a higher call.
But comes a doubt
from flesh without,
with choice to rise or fall.

There wanders lost a bitter man
bereft the Godly voice,
now driven east of Eden’s mists
now carnal in his choice.
Befallen low from heights beyond
what any man could tell,
he stands alone as one who knew
the distance which we fell.
But through his seed the Godly Breath
gives birth to Holy Word
till flesh of God be sacrificed,
whence grace of Christ be stirred.

Genesis 2:7
Genesis 3:24
1 Kings 19:12
Isaiah 53:3-10
John 3:16

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