Saturday, October 16, 2010

Conversation Between Flesh and Spirit

Be silent my flesh,
be humble and meek.
Give heed to your nature and know you are weak.
Enshrouding the spirit you seek to contain,
bear caution my flesh,
you struggle in vain.

Be wary my spirit,
be never deceived.
Your power in battle is wrongly perceived.
Your trappings of strength are but weakness concealed,
be prideful my spirit,
your sin is revealed.

Be still all my children,
and know I am Lord.
The battle is mine and the Word is my Sword.
Exalt in the triumph I give unto you,
be rested my children,
your hearts are made new.

Psalms 46:10
Ezekiel 26:36
Zechariah 2:13

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful poem. It is well written from start to finish. Kudos!

