Friday, October 29, 2010

Corrupted Gods (Second Age)

Corrupted Gods

Corrupted Gods
(Second Age)

Lowly gods of beastly face with hearts forever stained
bear eastern trek from Eden’s realm,
betrayed by knowledge gained.
Befallen in their countenance,
carnal in their mind,
they stagger blind in foolish search
of that which lies behind.

Mournful spirits trapped within bewail their distant King,
as reigning flesh leads souls enchained
from all which God could bring.
Softly do the voices cry,
dimly are they heard,
their mournful Word ignored by some…
the hearts of others stirred.

Soulful calls from Sons of God unto his Lordly name
waft gently from the primal earth
beyond their fallen shame.
Spirits touch His holy realm
till flesh begets again,
whence wombs of carnal maidens fill
with seed of Godly men.

Rising then, a fallen brute of opposites combined,
of ageless soul and carnal death
at war within it’s mind,
whence Godly spirit slaved within
by dying flesh without
begets a madness borne of sin,
till comes a Godly doubt.

Tears of God fall gently from divinely mournful skies.
Fountains low bespeak His wrath
as judgment comes to rise.
Lest soul be damned to sinful flesh
send judgment from on high,
let flesh be drowned in righteous wrath
till end of days be nigh.

Genesis 3:22-24
Genesis 4:26
Genesis 6:2
Genesis 7-11

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