Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Lamb's Exaltation

The Lamb’s Exaltation

Yea do our souls magnify the Lord,
to rejoice in our Savior and King,
for by his strong arm have all men been restored
whence done unto us a holiest thing.

For He hath regarded our lowly estate,
hath raised us on high,
from our tormented fate,
that none be condemned,
that none be distressed,
that all generations may ever be blest.
He hath shown strength in His mighty arm,
and protected the weak
from the coming of harm.

He which is mighty hath made mighty salvation,
for we which trod blindly
to a lost condemnation.
He shall fill up the hungry to make them as kings,
and empty the wealthy
of their gold and their rings.

He shall raise up the lowly to their greatest hour.
He shall pull down the mighty
from the thrones of their power.
And the proud shall be scattered throughout each generation,
that the meek then be gathered
for the Lamb’s exaltation.

Luke 1:46-55
Revelation 5:13

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